Happy (almost) New Years!!
2011 has been an amazing year for me. I gave birth to the sweetest baby boy. I started working as an editor. I was published in a “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book. I moved to a beautiful new house. I started writing regularly on Sleeping Is For Losers after leaving UrbanMoms…and people followed me over and actually read this blog! I was chosen as one of the top 25 Canadian Mom Blogs and nominated for a Weblog award and a Canadian Blog Award. We have really been blessed, and we know it.
So, because I know that most of you are going to be sitting on your butt, just like me tonight, eating takeout and watching some dumb movie (ok, it probably is just me, but humour me, right?). For your reading pleasure, right before midnight of course, here are some of my favourite posts of 2011:
Blogging Is The New Black – I shared my (really) (limited) knowledge about blogging and people really seemed to enjoy it!
Sunday Sanity Saving Tip – I really need to get back to posting these! PSAs people!
When You Miscarry – This was the hardest post for me to write, but I am so glad that I opened up. I received over THIRTY emails from people who had gone through the same thing. I am so sad that so many of you have had to go through the same thing, but I am honoured that you felt that you could reach out to me and share that pain.
I Cut My Hair!! – This was a big freakin’ deal for me. I’m glad I tried shorter hair but I can’t wait for it to grow back out. Goodness, I miss my long hair!
About Insecurity – I really put myself out there for this one, and I’m glad I did.
The Green Smoothie Video – Man, this video was popular. Green smoothies are amazing…in fact I think I’ll pop out to the store today and grab some spinach so we can make one today!
Breath Of Heaven– I may have just written this, but it came from my heart and that, my friends, is the whole point of blog writing.
Thanks for reading in 2011. I have no idea what 2012 will hold, but I can’t wait to find out:)
Lori says
Happy New Year! We'll be thinking of you guys as we eat our appies and try our hardest to stay awake until midnight 🙂 It was great to see you on this last day of the year – you're a sight for sore eyes gorgeous lady!!
Sarah Newcomb says
Right back atcha my friend. You always know who your real friends are when you see them and can pick right back up like no time has passed at all! xo
Teena in Toronto says
Happy new year 🙂