Z is a big boy now!! 14 months, acting like a much older toddler.
But the hair, oh the hair. His curly mop was getting out of control. I was doing it about 3 times a day (minimum), which meant I was spending more time doing his hair then mine. Not ok. So, I called up my hairdresser (aka: bro-in-laws girlfriend) and asked her for a haircut…here are the results: THE BEFORE!!

lady killer is right!!!! oh so handsome!!!!
I love his face while Thea is cutting his hair, CLASSIC!!!!!
Is that Y & R in the background of the first picture!
SO cute! love the cheeks and mom is looking fantastic!
What a colour that boy has! Wow!! Adorable. 🙂
Awe- thanks:)
Sarah- Bold & the Beautiful is on in the background…so, close:)