Ever heard this question when you tell someone that you’re a blogger: “Ok, but what is your REAL JOB?”?!?!?!?!
Ya, I bet you have.
In fact, over the past year I have had countless bloggers email me and ask if they should even bother considering their “blog” as their “job”. Man, it gets my knickers in a knot.
But I understand why it is so difficult for people to consider anything online as “real work”. Let’s face it, in a lot of ways blogging looks (and is!) fun. It looks (and sometimes is) easy! And there is a low cost of entry into the blogging world (in fact, it’s less expensive than almost any other business you could start online today – CLICK HERE if you want to find out more about that!). All those factors make blogging seem like like a really fun hubby but not a job.
So ya, it can be hard for people who don’t blog and don’t consider their blog as a source of income. But the reality is that for more and more people, blogging is a real job, a real source of income, and a sustainable one at that!
But quite honestly I didn’t think I could properly explain why blogging is a job and how to deal with people who choose to believe you are not working if you’re blogging for a living (oh, I have quite a few of those in my life!), so I made you a video instead! This is one of those topics that I just needed to talk out – you know what I mean? 🙂
But the short version of what I’m trying to say is: YUP, BLOGGING IS A REAL JOB! It’s harder work than anyone can imagine and it’s at times lonelier than anyone can imagine – but it’s a real freaking job and you deserve every bit of money you make and prestige and recognition you get, my friends!
PS: if you like that video, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
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