When you become a mom, something happens that you don’t control or decide, it just happens. You put that little baby first, before anyone or anything else in your life. You forget about yourself, and the fact that you’re your own person with wants and needs and hopes and dreams. Before I had my son, I thought I knew exactly… Read More
The Reality of Being a Mompreneur
Do you remember when you were younger, going to the park and jumping on the teeter-totter, but you were the only one sitting on it until your friend hopped on for a minute and then left to go down the slide? This is what it feels like running my own business and still being mom and running a family and all the… Read More
You Can’t Teach What You Don’t Know
The Hero’s Journey of Parenting Hard to Handle Kids Guest Post by: Stephanie Renaud B.A.Psych., B.Ed. Energy Coach for Parents So your kid is a screamer. When he loses his cool, he loses control. He’s defiant, angry, maybe even aggressive. You’ve gotten calls from the school, maybe weekly, reporting that your child has gotten physical (again) with another student. Maybe she has been disciplined, removed… Read More